it Down
love to write. What an un-messy sport compared to
collage making. How convenient it is to write -
note the scribbles on the napkins pictured on the
background of this page; apparently inspiration
struck in the Caffè River. One can write
anywhere, from bed to breakfast to bus to beach,
and I do. My favorite time and place is when I just
wake up, sitting straight, but still in bed. I begin
to drink my very strong espresso. By the third sip
I'm convinced that every word I write is a perfect
pearl of pure poetry.
There's plenty of time later in
the day for reality to return, and for me to come
back to these pearls with a merciless red pen.
My own font, Cut-out
My friend Bob Salazar gave me a
very special present: a font of my own. I cut out
each and every letter, lower case and UPPER CASE,
numbers, punctuation marks and even ding bats (this
is the real term for type symbols, not letters,
included in most fonts). Bob created my font just
for me. Cut-out, his name for it, is listed on my
computer with all the usual fonts, and I am always
able to type out the cut-out font. My art directors
have my font on their computers, too. It was selected as the type face for several of my
My font was used in Happy
Birthday Mr. Kang.